Episode 72 How Millennial Moms Are Faring at Home and In the Workforce with Lauren Tetenbaum
Have millennials figured out the secret to balancing (aka juggling or integrating) career and family? TBD turned to Lauren A. Tetenbaum, LMSW, JD, PMH-C, a millennial mom herself, to discuss whether the struggles still exist - and answers/solutions.
Lauren is a writer, lawyer, wife, mother, and social worker specializing in supporting millennial moms and young women through life transitions. Helping women solve their balance dilemmas (in TBD language). Lauren is also trained by the Fair Play Institute and Nurturing Mamas Network where she trains other mental health professionals about gender equity advocacy and the maternal mental load.
Episode recorded March 20, 2024 at the LMC Media Podcast Studio
Connect with Lauren on Linked In
Connect with Lauren (@thecounselaur) on Instagram
Lauren Recommends:
Carry Strong by Stephanie Cramer
Screaming on the Inside by Jessica Grose (2022)
Fair Play by Eve Rodsky (2019)
"Workin' Moms" TV show
Additional Reading:
Glass Walls: Shattering The Six Gender Bias Barriers Still Holding Women Back at Work by Amy Diehl, PhD, and Leanne M. Dzubinski, PhD (2023)
Ambitious Like A Mother: Why Prioritizing Your Career is Good for Your Kids by Lara Bazelon (2022)
Grose, Jessica (2024, March 16) Does Everyone Want to Be On The Mommy Track. nytimes.com
Tannenbaum, Emily (2024, March 15) Senator Gene Dornink Doesn’t Know Why He Called Pilot Laura Haynor a ‘Stewardess’—Women Do. glamour.com
Travis, Michelle (2024, March 12) Why These Executives Put ‘Mom’ On Their LinkedIn Profile. forbes.com.
Munslow, Julia (2024, March 11) The Couples Embracing the DINK Lifestyle. wsj.com
Gurdon, Megan Cox (2024, March 8) ‘Get Married’ and ‘Family Unfriendly’ Review: The Case for Wedlock. wsj.com
Cohen, Rachel M. (2023, December 4) How Millennials Learned to Dread Motherhood. vox.com
Grose, Jessica (2022, December 7) The Child Care Crisis Has Been Urgent Since ‘86. Just Ask Cosmo. nytimes.com
Grose, Jessica (2021, April 21) Why Women Do the Household Worrying. nytimes.com