Episode 71 College Admissions - How to work the system [legally] with Kerry Roberts

Figuring out the college admissions process and how to help your student get in to the school of their choice, continues to baffle parents and children, leaving everyone anxious, angsty, and maybe even a bit angry. Guest Kerry Roberts advises on how to legally (unlike the parents involved in the infamous Varsity Blues scandal) work the admissions process.

Applying her 20+ years of corporate marketing and branding experience to college placement, Kerry now helps students identify and apply to the right colleges for them—skirting the dreaded “sea of sameness” in school selection.  On this episode of TBD, Kerry explains the process as well as her approach, driven by data, compassion, and creativity. She describes the different application timetables (around the 12-minute mark) and provides a sanity-inducing strategy for the college search process. Kelly is certified in college counseling through UCLA.

Episode recorded February 3, 2024.

Contact Kerry Roberts at Thrive Education Group

The Balance Dilemma Episodes discussing college admissions

Episode 17 Advice on Finding Balance in the College Admissions Process and Fatherhood with Dave Marcus

Episode 53 Poison Ivy and College Admissions with Evan Mandery

Book References

Who Gets In and Why: A Year Inside College Admissions by Jeffrey Selingo (2020)

Fiske Guide to Colleges 2024 by Edward B. Fiske (2023)

Other Reading

Moscatello, Caitlin (2024, January 29) Inventing the Perfect College Applicant. nymag.com

Acceptance: A Legendary Guidance Counselor Helps Seven Kids Find the Right Colleges--and Find Themselves by David L. Marcus (2009)

Poison Ivy: How Elite Colleges Divide Us by Evan Mandery (2022)