Episode 58 Starting Over Again with Jen Graziano

Jen Graziano is an attorney, mother, funeral director, founder of jewelry line, and Host of the podcast and radio show Time to Talk. But she didn’t join The Balance Dilemma to promote her businesses. Foremost on Jen’s mind was dealing with a second marriage on the rocks. Why the family blending didn’t work? How to know when it’s failing and when to get out? And staying true to yourself and your daughter.

Jen’s pearls of wisdom come from growing up in the family business of death rituals - the funeral business. Let’s just say, it provides a full perspective on life and what really matters. And how work inspired the The RememBar Collection - fine, memorial jewelry.

As to how she does it all, Jen points to flexibility of being a family business owner and what she calls her “organized chaos.”

Episode originally aired live on WVOX AM on April 27, 2023

Coxe and Graziano

Remembar Collection

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