Episode 51 Talking About Lead Dads with Paul Sullivan, Founder of The Company of Dads

Former New York Times columnist and lead dad, Paul Sullivan, discusses what it means to be a “Lead Dad” and the implications for women, men, families, and the workplace. As he tells TBD, Lead Dad “is a powerful proactive term. It's not a reactive term. And naming things matters." During the episode, Paul introduces his new venture, The Company of Dads, which he terms the first platform dedicated to creating a community for lead dads, dealing with isolation, parenting issues, stereotypes, and more.

Paul wrote the Money Matters column in the New York Times for 13 years and created the Money Game column in GOLF magazine. He is the author of The Thin Green Line: The Money Secrets of the Super Wealthy.

And, of course, we had to ask for his best money advice.

Episode originally aired live on WVOX-AM on January 19, 2023