Episode 35 Change is Not a Dirty Word with Dr. Risa Ryger

Have you experienced a little stress over the last couple of years? . . . Yeah, us too. Join clinical psychologist Dr. Risa Ryger, an expert in change. Risa explains her trademarked “disruptive self-ownership” and how it can help you thrive personally and professionally. She takes us through a calming exercise and provides strategies for facing the day and world. Hear about her Four Fs and 4-4-8 breathing technique. In addition, we discuss some of the mental health challenges brought on the two years of the pandemic.

Episode originally aired live on WVOX-AM on March 31, 2022

Dr. Risa Ryger’s Website

Connect with Dr. Ryger on Linked In

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Articles by Dr. Ryger

Ryger, R (2021, March 16), A Clinical Psychologist On How to Claim All the Parts of Yourself - Even the Messy Ones. mindbodygreen.com

Ryger, R (202, December 30), Feeling Alone? 3 Steps to Stop Abandoning Yourself. thriveglobal.com

Ryger, R (2020, February 14), Align Your Voice and Self-Worth. thefemalequotient.com

Ryger, R (2019, December 20), How to Survive and Thrive During the Annual Review Season. linkedin.com

Additional Reading

Panchel, N, Rae, M et al (2022, March 24), How Does Use of Mental Health Care Vary by Demographics and Health Insurance Coverage?. kff.org

World Health Organization Release (2022, March 2), Covid 19 Pandemic Triggers 25% Increase in Prevalence of Anxiety and Depression Worldwide. who.int

Tingley, K (2022, March 23), There’s a Mental-Health Crisis Among American Children. Why?. nytimes.com