Episode 34 Employ ‘Fair Play’ So You Can Reclaim Your Right to Be Interesting with Eve Rodsky
Tired of being the ‘she-fault’ parent, guest Eve Rodsky decided to do something about it in her own home. That inspiration led to her book Fair Play, a system (and game) for more fairly allocating domestic workload with rules like: “All time is created equal.”
Eve discusses with TBD the seeds that were sown in her childhood watching her single and divorced mother struggle to do it all and the spark that ignited this national discussion, a meltdown over a text from her hubby: I’m surprised you didn’t get the blueberries…
Furthermore, this was far from unique to her home. Eve discusses how the unpaid labor of women affect their future. As she tells TBD, “if you care about women’s economic security, the last frontier for feminism is ironically in the place closest to us . . . our homes.”
Eve also shares her new work Find Your Unicorn Space: Reclaim Your Creative Life in a Too-Busy World that recommends giving yourself permission to be unavailable so you can achieve “deep work” and creativity. . . at any stage of life. Women, she reminds us, have the right to be interesting.
Episode originally aired live on WVOX-AM on March 17, 2022
Fair Play website
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Philanthropy Group
Books by Eve Rodsky
Fair Play (2021)
Finding Your Unicorn Space (2021)
Keach, J. (2002). Mom’s On Strike [Film]
Additional Reading
Gonzales, M (2022, February 17), Nearly 2 Million Fewer Women in Labor Force. shrm.org
Hogenboom, M (2021, May 18), The Hidden Load: How ‘thinking of everything’ Holds Mums Back. bbc.com
Life’s Work: Confessions of an Unbalanced Mom, Lisa Belkin (2002)