Episode 29 with Dr. Andi Simon

Fill in the blank… “Women can’t be or do ____.” Whatever your answer, corporate anthropologist, futurist, and author Dr. Andi Simon disagrees. Her latest book: Rethink: Smashing the Myths of Women in Business recounts the experiences of 11 women, including Simon, and how they succeeded.

Andi also explains the role of anthropology in corporate settings as well as defining what a futurist is, exactly. But, perhaps more importantly, she’ll tell us how to get out of our own way and change the institutions that define us. She says that with the "Great Resignation" comes the "opportunity for women to create new work styles, a new society which values them differently." And... she’ll explain why she decided to put “motherhood” on her official bio.

Episode aired live on WVOX-AM on January 6, 2022