Episode 11 with Stefan Kuczinski
In a dual career family, do two equal careers with relatively equal hours, responsibilities and income, lead to balance? We pose that question to guest Stefan Kuczinski, since he and his wife are both teachers in Westchester County, NY raising two daughters. Moreover, Stefan was an early adopter of the benefits of paternity leave and shares his experience.
Stefan’s Suggested Reading and Listening:
“A Promised Land,” by Barack Obama
Podcast: TED Talk: “Hidden Power of Not Always Fitting In” (MARIANNE CANTWELL)
Further Reading and Listening:
“Calculating the Hidden Cost of Interrupting a Career for Childcare”, published at Americanprogress.com
“New Cap Calculator Reveals the Hidden Lifetime Costs of the Childcare Crisis in the U.S.”, published at Americanprogress.com
“865,000 Women Left the Workforce Last Month”, by Carol Fishman Cohen published at nbc.com
“Why Dads Don’t Take Parental Leave”, by Jessica Grose
“Availability, Use of Paternity Leave Remain Rare in U.S.”, by Kathy Guchiek
Parental Leave: U.S. Dads Less Likely To Take Unpaid Leave, by Niall McCarthy, Dec 5, 2019, Published by Statista
“Lifting the Barriers to Paid Family and Medical Leave for Men in the United States”, by Amanda Lenharat, Haley Swenson, Brigid Schule
Fathers Need Paid Family and Medical Leave, National Partnership for Women & Families
How Dual-Career Couples Make It Work: Successful partnerships sidestep predictable traps and master three challenging transitions, by Jennifer Petriglieri, Published by Harvard Business Review
How Dual-Career Couples Can Work Through the Coronavirus Crisis, by Jennifer Petriglieri, Published by Harvard Business Review
The Optimist’s Guide to Thriving as a Dual Career Couple (Yes, in a Pandemic), Ellevate Network
Nearly Half of Men Say They Do Most of the Home Schooling, 3 Percent of Women Agree: A survey suggests that pandemic-era domestic work isn’t being divided more equitably than before the lockdown, by Claire Cain Miller, Published by The Upshot, New York Times, May 6 2020